I‘d say in the last year or so, I've learned a lot about myself in regards to my passions …
What refines me?
What defines me ?
And what makes me, me?
At this age, I'm learning about myself almost on a daily basis, and what I've found out most recently is that if I don't have a passion for what I'm doing, it just won't get done.
It's literal a mental block.
I'd characterize myself as someone who works for the good of my heart--and if my heart is not in it, I can't really bring myself to drag on through whatever task is at hand. I think that goes for a lot of people in my generation. There are several studies that have come out saying that Gen Z would much rather be unemployed than work in an environment that they do not like. Honestly, I think that comes from seeing our parents slave away in cooperate offices over the years just to put food on the table. We are told that to grow up is to have your dreams fade away, and "face the real world." Why is it a stretch to attempt to love what you do and love where you work in todays day and age?
This goes back to "the power of passion."
The power to have that drive to love what you do is not something that comes easily . . . nor is it something everyone can do...
People spend years not realizing that they’re wasting time and energy in a work environment that does not give them resolve... slowly becoming content with their place in the world. That place of content is stagnant and stationary, neither promoting growth or evolution. Its a place where you cannot freely convey fondness or devotion.
And that is a place, from a young age, I’ve vowed to never be.
So it has been a goal of mine for as long as I remember to fine tune my ambitions.
Sharpen my own arsenal if you will, and do, to put it openly,
what makes me happy… (:
I'm taking up blogging again, & I haven't done this since 2017 so bare with me !
I'm really trying to get back to the swing of things, tapping into my flow and getting back to basics. I loved writing and a big part of me missed being able to sit back and reflect on my conscious thoughts. Just Spit Ballin' is me tapping into that part of myself again (:
This is only the beginning. I'm more than excited to share pieces of myself and have this creative space. The goal is to be more confident with my writing and have you guys explore the world through my eyes. So stayed tuned for more :)